Hat Lady Nicole

My Health Journey and the Hats I Wear - Navigating Chronic Illness with Style

How This Week’s Appointments Went

This video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0-UtkMimf0 explains briefly what we learned this week, at a high level. 

Video transcript for tumor update #2

Hi this is Hat Lady Nicole back with an update. We met (Don and I)  with top neurosurgeon Dr. Ian Dunn. He says I most likely have a benign slow growing hemangioma–which is a type of bone tumor that needs to come out eventually–but I’m in no immediate danger. So the next steps are to get an MRI and specialty CT scans to come up with a repaired synthetic skullcap. The surgeon is gonna put together his dream team for the operating theatre and actually discuss my case with them. 

I will meet with each specialist for potential other tests. As for surgery dates–well, maybe the next couple months. That’s what it’s looking like right now. Today I also went and saw the ENT that my primary doctor sent me to and for some reason she thought that I have nasal polyps or sinus polyps. I’m not sure what’s going on–I didn’t think I had nasal or sinus polyps of any kind, but you never know. There could be that on top of the tumor as well, who knows. 

I went and met with the ENT today and he took a look at my scans– said everything’s great. In fact, he hopes that his sinuses look as good as mine is what he said. So no problems with polyps. Sinuses are totally good, we can just focus on the tumor–get that out, get it taken care of. So far things don’t seem real scary that surgery will be involved but right now we’re looking at a most likely benign tumor, so great news!

This week's Appointment with Neurosurgeon

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